Posted on 2/27/2023
The automotive air conditioning (A/C) system is a crucial component for ensuring comfort during hot summer months. An essential component of the A/C system is the refrigerant, which removes heat from the cabin and circulates cool air. Over the years, different types of refrigerants have been used in automobiles, and it's important to understand the most common types and their benefits. R-12 (Freon) - This was the original refrigerant used in automotive A/C systems, and was very popular until the 1990s. R-12 has a high global warming potential, which is why it was banned and replaced by newer, more environmentally-friendly refrigerants. R-134a - This refrigerant became popular in the 1990s and is still widely used in vehicles manufactured after 1996. R-134a is an HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) refrigerant that has a low global warming potential and is safe for the environment. R-1234yf - This is the latest and most advanced refrigerant used in modern vehicles. R-1234yf has a very low gl ... read more
Posted on 1/30/2023
Transmission repairs are two words that terrify our customers the most (and with good reason). The transmission isn’t something that vehicle owners should take lightly. It supports the life of your vehicle by transferring power from the engine to the wheels. Unfortunately, transmission repairs can occur due to poor maintenance or old age. Fortunately, it can be easy to catch the signs early enough to avoid costly repairs. Here are some of the warning signs that indicate your vehicle needs transmission repairs: Slow Responding or Unresponsive Transmission - Does your vehicle hesitate or refuse to stay in gear? If so, there’s a good chance you need transmission work. If there is a delay between gear shifts while you are on the road, it can put you and others in a hazardous situation. Problems Changing Gears - If your transmission simply can’t stay in gear or shift gears at all, please do not drive your car. It is not considere ... read more