Posted on 3/13/2018
Vehicle owners may not know much about their fuel pump, but over the life of owning a vehicle, it will probably need to be replaced. One area that often gets overlooked when putting in a new fuel pump is cleaning the gas tank. We recommend that when its time to replace your fuel pump that you have your gas tank cleaned thoroughly to avoid damaging your replacement fuel pump. A clean fuel tank can also ensure maximum engine performance and fuel efficiency. Whether performed by a professional service technician, or done by yourself, follow this 10 step process to clean your gas tank properly and avoid damaging your new fuel pump: 1. Drain fuel tank into an approved container 2. Clean rust and debris from the top of the fuel tank. 3. Remove fuel pump. 4. Swirl gas tank. Pour out remaining gas and debris. 5. Clean the tank interior with a low-suds soap and water mixture. 6. Swirl cleaning solution inside tank. 7. Drain tank and dry with compressed air. 8. Wipe out ... read more