Posted on 6/11/2019
Never Overfill the Tires to 'Get Better Gas Mileage' The Internet is filled with testimonials from people who claim they upped their mileage simply by inflating their tires to the maximum pressure listed on the sidewall. What they don't tell you about is the rougher ride, premature tire wear, longer stopping distances and increased repair costs due to worn-out suspension components. The recommended tire pressure for your car is listed on a placard inside the driver's door frame and it's based on vehicle weight along with the best possible handling. Inflating your tires to the maximum pressure listed on the tire is okay if you're hauling a very heavy load. But you must reduce the tire pressure to the recommended pressure once you remove the load. Driving a normal load on over-inflated tires reduces rolling resistance and that can increase your mileage slightly. That means you have less rubber in contact with the road, which reduces traction. Ove ... read more